We are getting to that point where the first frost of the
fall could come up any day, but just because the temperatures dipped doesn’t mean
that your crop is a write off. There are a number of factors that come into
play from crop type to length below freezing.
Quick explanation on
what a freeze event does to a plant; When freezing occurs in the plant it
causes the cells to expand causing them to burst or rupture.
The first factor that comes into play is the humidity. Cooler air will hold less water than warmer
air. When temperatures drop to below where the relative humidity (RH) reaches
100% (dew point), the air becomes oversaturated and condensation occurs. When water changes from liquid to ice it will give
off heat. As the dew on the plant is begins to freeze it gives off heat which
can help keep the plant tissue above freezing point. So as water is freezing on the
outer parts of the plant, the temperatures remain at about 0 degrees C until all the dew has froze. At this
point there is no longer protection for the plant which is when we run into the
issue of time below freezing and how it can affect the plant. If it begins to
warm up right after this point, damage should be minimal, if temperatures
continue to drop or stay around that point then there is potential for damage to
The next thing to
take into account is that the liquid within plants does not necessarily have
the same freezing point as water. There are sugars, proteins, and a number of other solutes occuring in the plant. These other substances within the plant can take the freezing point
anywhere from 2 to even 5 degrees (or more) lower than it would be without them. This
shows us that a healthier plant which may have a higher degree brix (sugar) or
higher protein content etc may in fact also be hardier than a less healthy,
diseased plant.
Temperatures and
stress leading up to the frost event can also be a driving factor in how much
damage you will see from a frost. If temperatures have been cooler leading up
you may see a tougher plant that is less susceptible to light frosts. Other
stresses can also cause plants to shake things up a bit with hormones and
photosynthate distribution etc. that allow a plant to tolerate lower
temperatures, as we all know plants are very efficient at adapting to stress.
The speed at which temperatures drop can be a factor as well, the faster they
drop bigger the concern for damage.
Moisture content
of the crop is another big concern, if your crop is still sitting at 50%
moisture then it is a much higher risk than a crop sitting 30% moisture (close
to swathing stage in other words).
Each crop has a
different susceptibility, much like seedling frost tolerances vary by crop.
Canola is
susceptible at a temperature of about -2 to -3 if it is sitting at a higher
moisture content like I commented on above. Frost damaged canola dries down
very rapidly locking in green seed count. If you have a canola crop ready to
swath you may escape damage and if you have a canola crop that is below 25%
moisture you should be relatively safe from damage. To avoid losses from a
frost in canola you can swath prior to a frost event, ideally 48-72 hours to
escape damage. This can be effective even at 0% seed colour change to avoid
some of the damages. The other comment I have on canola is even a light frost
of -1 degree C can have an impact on the enzyme that helps clear chlorophyll
which may also cause green seed to get locked in. Remember to inspect fields
after a frost, ideally 48-72 hours to look for frost damage. If it is a severe
frost and you see significant damage, swathing immediately is recommended.
Again moisture content comes into play with cereals, if at a
milk stage they are more susceptible to frost than a soft dough stage. For example
a slight dip below 0 at milk stage may cause losses (shrivelled seed), but at
soft or later dough stages they can tolerate upwards of -5 degrees. Cereals
that have gotten a frost can be significantly impacted when it comes to
germination, so be weary about using frost damaged kernels as seed. Cereals may
take a week or so before you can truly evaluate damage. Wheat tends to be
slightly more tolerant to fall frosts than barley.
Obviously, there are other crops, but I’m going to leave it
there. If you have any questions about anything or on other crops feel free to
Source: Sask Ag